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  • Writer's pictureElise Pelot

Go to God First

Updated: Dec 10, 2020

If you are similar to me, there will be seasons in life where you will feel so full and blessed by people. There will also be seasons when you will experience loneliness and be hungry for community. Both are natural and both are bound to happen. I am thankful that I have been able to experience each of these seasons. Yep, I’m thankful for the seasons of loneliness. It’s a weird thing to be thankful for because those times can be so isolating and hard to endure, but they have taught me things I wouldn’t have learned otherwise. This is yet another example of how God can use pain to grow us. 

In my seasons of loneliness I have experienced a deep ache in my heart to be known by people. It can be quite hard to endure, but I have learned to rely on God to get me through. Specifically, I have learned that He is truly the only One that can fully satisfy me. When I am wanting to be known by someone, God already knows everything. He knows me better than anyone ever will (read my last post for exactly how well he knows us). When I want to be pursued, He is already chasing after me. When I desire company, He is already sitting next to me. 

Time spent with God is never time wasted. When you go to the Father, He meets you where you’re at. If you open your heart up to Him and confess your deepest hurts, He will embrace you and restore you. He is the safest One to turn to when you are needing to be filled up by someone. No one can bring you as much joy as our perfect God. There is a deep satisfaction you will feel when you run to your Savior. 

I believe we were created for community and are called to surround ourselves with others. We are not supposed to go through this life alone. But flawed and broken human beings should not be where you find your fulfillment. You are made whole solely by God and no one else. No parent, no spouse, no best friend will satisfy that deepest desire in your heart. Your hunger can only be satisfied by the food from God’s Word. That is nourishment for your soul that is critical to your health. 

I encourage you to seek out community and not live in isolation, but please know that no one will satisfy you like Jesus will. Run to Him first. Talk with Him before you talk with anyone else. You will be amazed at how energized and high on life you get when you spend time with God. He is the best One to run to.

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