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  • Writer's pictureElise Pelot

A Prized Possession

God loves us so much. Our human brains cannot comprehend just how much. And the catch here is that we have done nothing to earn, nor will we ever have to. He loves us because He loves us, no other reason than that.

As humans we are conditioned to believe that the only way to experience love is by earning it, whatever way that may be. So when we are told that God loves us just because we are us, it can be really hard to believe. At times we forget and end up doing things solely because we believe God will love and bless us more.

Our actions are not a prerequisite to experience God's love.

Stop reading for a minute. Just take a breath and let that Truth sink in.

Do you believe it yet? Do you believe that God's love is not conditional on what you accomplish? Stop your striving. Cease the hustle. God loves you for no other reason other than you are His beloved child.

Hear me out, I am not saying you shouldn't do anything for the LORD. You absolutely should! But not because it will make Him love you more. You should offer your life as a living sacrifice because Jesus died for you! We should WANT to serve Him because He gave us the ultimate gift of life. To serve God is to thank Him for all He has done for us.

There are days when I have to stop myself and think "am I doing this to win God's love and favor, or am I doing this because I love Him and want to serve Him?" If I find that is the former, than I pray for a fresh perspective and a desire to serve the LORD from a place of adoration, not guilt. I encourage you to do the same. God desires your service, but only if it comes from a place of wanting to rather than feeling like you have to.

You, my friend, are the prized possession of your Father. If you live into that Truth, your heart and your actions will pour out from that.

"I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you,"

Jeremiah 31:3 (ESV)

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